With that in mind, read on for our recommendations of the best non-alcoholic drinks to help you feel like you aren’t missing out on the party at all.Īvoiding alcohol doesn’t mean you miss out on all the fun. Elson also recommends that while you adjust to the damp lifestyle, a good tip is to always have a non-alcoholic drink to hold to make you feel at ease among drinkers, and even avoid any questions or peer pressure. Some TikTok creators have described it as a good in-between option for those who often feel torn between “going to a bar and blacking out” versus “just staying in”, says creator Hana Elson. It’s certainly a concept to keep in mind around the festive season when it seems we’re facing a barrage of booze-filled party after party. Living “damp” means that you aren’t going totally “dry” and cutting out alcohol altogether - instead, you’re choosing to drink mindfully without drinking to excess. While you may be new to the term, the concept itself isn’t exactly new: It’s simply a reframing of drinking in moderation. You may have seen it trending on TikTok, where it’s amassed over 10.6 million views - undertaking a “damp lifestyle” is the hot new thing in the world of drinking.

Related: The celebrities who don’t drink alcohol What does a damp lifestyle mean? Dry July - and its newer counterpart, Ocsober - comes round annually to remind us about the many benefits of cutting back our alcohol intake - but read on to discover why you should consider cutting back every other month of the year too, and the delicious non-alcoholic tipples (wine, beer, spirits, cocktails and more) we recommend sipping on.