You can get connected to remote computers on the basis of a public IP address with the cross-platform provided by the service.

It is built on an open source technology,which allows to provide a secure and more reliable connection to the users. This software built on VNC or Virtual Network Computing network is available in free and paid versions to remote desktop clients. Some of the effective TeamViewer alternatives are briefly discussed here to help you choose the most suitable one for you. Hence,to avoid all the negative aspects of TeamViewer you will have to find some alternative to it.
In order to control cell phones with this software,you will have to upgrade to with higher and costly plan which is not affordable for all users. When this software is hosted on LAN machine sometimes its speed throttles cause huge lag in input. It is a bit slow if your internet connection is not of superior quality. It releases updates frequently,which will not allow you to get connected to this software if you have an old version and your host has the latest one. What Need A TeamViewer Alternative?Though TeamViewer has many advantages,but certain disadvantages have also been indicated by its users on the basis of their personal experiences. It can be used to complete tasks,like sharing desktops,attending online meetings,messaging online,allowing you to control a computer remotely and having web conferences,etc. TeamViewer is an app that allows you to access various workstations located at different locations remotely.